Why Make a Will?
Making a Will provides security for your loved ones at a difficult time. It is often something which we never seem to get around to but is an important aspect of financial planning for your family.
Put an end to uncertainty. Give your family the security of knowing you have written a legally valid Will. Make sure that your wishes are carried out as you have arranged.
Do you need to write a Will?
Are you going to provide for your family as you would wish? Do you want everything to be decided by the rules of intestacy?
Is your husband or wife going to have to sell the family home if you die? This can be avoided simply by writing a Will.
Are you and your partner un-married?
Do you have any children from a previous relationship?
Have you any property, savings accounts or policies NOT in joint names?
Are you concerned about the effects of Inheritance Tax?
Are you concerned at possibly losing your home to the local Health Authority if you need to go into a nursing home in your later years?
Will your children or grandchildren be looked after as you would have wished? Have Guardians been appointed for them?
Who will carry out your instructions if you die? Who would you like to act as your trustees? What will it cost your family if you name a bank or a solicitor as an executor?
Are there any special gifts to go to friends or favourite charities?
Do you want to be buried or cremated? Do you have any special instructions or
wishes for your funeral?
If you run a business, will your family or partners be allowed to carry on without you? How can you be sure they will still be able to obtain an income from your work?
If you can answer YES to any of the above, YOU NEED to write a Will
Get in Touch
5 Elder Court, Wigmore, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 0EA
Office: 01634 365735
Mobile: 0780 9026196